Chad: Despair in Chad camps as violence and hunger in Sudan drive 25,000 across border in a week


Class 3 Introduced!

Chazak Rescue


October 6, 2023

Class 3 has officially been onboarded as Cadets and have come through their orientation and wilderness trip! This Class is characterized as having a significant amount of overseas experience with various mission organizations.

Brian Stoltzfus

(Noble or strong)

New Berlin, Pennsylvania

I heard about Chazak Rescue from a friend while serving on a mission in Mexico. I’ve always dreamed of pursuing a mission that had the purpose of saving lives and spreading hope in high risk areas. Ultimately the idea of laying down my physical life to give another a chance at redemption in Jesus has felt like the ultimate sacrifice and the best way to be called home. What it means to me is true purpose every single day because it is for Jesus, so no matter what happens I can be fully confident to give all that I have without any fear. I don’t find my identity here, I find that in Christ. But I do find my mission here. And that gives me true purpose.

Patrick Stoltzfus


Westminster, South Carolina

During a Chazak PR presentation, the Holy Spirit touched my heart and broke me down. I was not looking to join a program like Chazak Rescue, but I felt God calling me to it. I have never felt so compelled toward something. I am not typically someone who jumps into things without knowing the details. My journey toward Chazak has been an exception to this. I had complete peace that Chazak was where I was supposed to be. The cry of my heart is to let go of my own desires, fully align with the heart of Christ, and submit to being led by the Holy Spirit.

Mila Sanchez


Traverse City, Michigan

I grew up in Latin America, Africa, and Europe doing high risk mission work. I grew up in the mission field and now I’m a Chazak cadet. Recently I came to a point in my life where I was figuring out what I wanted to do and who I was. I had a bit of a tough time at one point and it rocked my world in a way. As I was working through this, I read about Chazak online and saw the aspects of a disciplined and team oriented life (similar to the military but not the military). This is something I have always been drawn to and so I am thankful that God purposely put that article on my screen, drawing me to apply and become a cadet.

Caleb Braun

(bold and faithful)

Birmingham, Alabama

As a young kid, I was always attracted to heroic movies and desired to live like a hero. Later in life, God spoke to me as a loving Father, “Caleb, if you do not do what I’ve called you to do, a lot of people are going to die.” Since that time, I’ve known that I would not only share the good news but but also intervene in life and death scenarios — especially in war-zones.

Following the Lord’s direction, I served as an evangelistic missionary in Hungary for five years with European Initiative. After my time was complete, and after receiving a Chazak pamphlet from a friend, God reawakened my heart to the calling He had given me; to preserve life.

Caleb Bondy

(bold and faithful)

Monroe, Georgia

I am a farmer from Georgia and have spent 9 years overseas serving orphaned and disadvantaged people. I have seen and experienced some of the darkness in this world and I am excited to bring light to those places with Chazak Rescue. I am inspired by others who have gone before me, who truly embody Chazak’s core values of whole heart, body, soul, and spirit. My favorite thing about Chazak so far has been learning to love and work with my team in intense situations.

Andrew Swartzentruber

(strong and manly)

Greenwood, Delaware

Growing up I just wanted to help people. I saw people around me that were struggling to deal with the weight of life, with struggles, and just looking for a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I found first response as a great avenue to share that hope with others. As an EMT near my hometown I’ve gotten to see firsthand the value of hope. My relationship with Christ has given me that reason to get out of bed each morning and share that hope with those around me. When I heard about Chazak and their vision, it rekindled my childhood dream to carry that light to the darkest and most dangerous places on earth. God opened the doors for the time being and I’m stoked to get to serve with Chazak and use my gifts in this way!

Jeffrey Maurer

(God’s peace)

Lagrange, Indiana

I heard about Chazak Rescue from a brochure, and after looking into it I joined for two reasons. One was the physical aspect of going and serving and helping people in dangerous or risky places. The second thing was the community of Chazak, the mentorship, life coaching and the spiritual growth I would receive. I was working a good 9 to 5 job but I wanted to do something with more purpose behind it, so I had been looking for something like this for a little while. When I saw the brochure and started looking into it, I really liked what I saw in the organization. I prayed and thought about it a lot and I felt God saying that it was the right thing to do. So I signed up!

Miranda Kauffman

(Admirable, wonderful)

Aroda, Virginia

I have lived on the mission field for over half of my life. We moved back a few years ago and I tried settling into the life back here. I had a good job but also felt God had something more that he wanted me to be doing.

Through family members I heard about Chazak and was encouraged to sign up for it. I have always dreamed of becoming a first responder but never thought I would ever be able to pursue that dream. I love being able to help people and to bring them hope, and I feel like God has called me here to Chazak to live that out and to be His hands and feet.

Clair Newswanger

(bright and clear)

Woodbury, Pennsylvania

When I was 19 I heard about this organization Chazak Rescue from one of my friends. He told me they do crazy things like go to war zones to do rescue work. When I heard about it I thought: ‘wow I would like to do that some time.’ A few years later I was on a search and rescue team and really loved the atmosphere and the work and was really looking for something that would push me further both mentally and physically. I was really wanting something that pushed me till I had to give everything I had. After spending some time praying about it, I felt like God very clearly showed me that this is where He wants me right now.

You can help support Class 3 by visiting our donations page (linked here) and selecting ‘Class 3 Sponsorship’ when making a donation.

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support of Chazak Rescue!

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